Fleeing to Ireland Canada & the US.
(“In 1635 during the Claver~sings three brothers "Michael, James & John left Scotland and settled near Ballymoney, County Antrim Ireland. From these three brothers spread much of the line that now exists around Belfast )

We've all heard the expression "Claver sings or Claverhouse sings" we for the most part probably didn't think much of it. While researching the dates that have been portrayed may have caused some issues.
"John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee (c. 21 July 1648 – 27 July 1689), known as the 7th Laird of Claverhouse until raised to the viscountcy in 1688, was a Scottish soldier and nobleman, a Tory and an Episcopalian. Claverhouse was responsible for policing south-west Scotland during and after the religious unrest and rebellion of the 1670s/80s."
" These wights, to add to a' their crimes, have shot at them a hunner times." Another legend tells of a man Biggar, a staunch supporter of the Covenanting cause, who concealed on his farm and fed from his kitchen the persecuted Covenanters—how he was found out, became a marked man, and narrowly escaped being shot. The troopers were after him, led by Claverhouse in person, but when overtaken Biggar was equal to the occasion, nor for a moment lost his self-possession. Claverhouse laid on him with the handle of his whip. Biggar, turning round, looked him straight in the face, and said, " The devil is in the man; what are you striking at ?" This satisfied the man of blood—riding back to his band he said, " There's an honest fellow that can swear; none of your canting rogues."
[Journal Proceedings Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society]
"Some of the Biggar's, at least three brothers are believed to have been the brothers of Herbert Biggar of Barbuie, (either David, James, or William) fled to Ireland in 1640, arriving in port on their royal ship with full banners waving. Their arrival caused quite a stir among the local populous".
Some records have these brothers settling in Belfast and Antrim counties, Ireland, having left Nithsdale, Scotland. Some displaced border Clans that transferred around 1640-1650 undertook to remain Protestant. They became knows as the Undertakers. Some fearing additional persecution by the English changed their name to McGivern and moved further inland. The three brothers are believed to have left Ireland with a land charter for America around 1640 - 1660. Those Biggar's that remained in Ireland, became prosperous landowners. Their families have flourished and become proudly Irish.
David brother of Herbert II, Son of Herbert Biggar I of barbuie fled to Ireland, but returned to Scotland died Nov 28, 1699, and is buried at Irongray, Kirkcudbright Scotland (no issue). James and William fled to the border regions both have large families reaching Canada, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand.