August 28, 1849, - October 30, 1913
Ontario, Canada

Frances Camilla Pattullo's
I, FRANCES CAMILLA PATTULLO of the Town of Woodstock in the County of Oxford, wife of George Robson Pattullo of the same place, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made.
I appoint my brothers JAMES LYON BIGGAR of the City of Ottawa in the County of Carleton, Esquire, and GEORGE COLTMAN BIGGAR of the City of Toronto, Broker, and my brother-in-law GEORGE FRANCIS BURTON of the said
The city of Toronto, Barrister, executors and trustees of this my Will.
I devise, bequeath and appoint to my said executors all the real and personal estate of which I may die seized or entitled to or in respect of which I have any power of appointment upon the trusts following, that is to say;
1. To pay my just debts and funeral expenses.
2. To pay to my brother James Lyon Biggar or his legal personal representatives the sum of Two thousand dollars in recognition of his kindness and care in looking after my affairs and estate for so many years.
3. To pay to the Trustees of the Woodstock Hospital the sum of Five Hundred Dollars and to the Woman's Christian Association of Belleville the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the purposes of the Hospital owned and managed by the said Association in the City of Belleville.
To the Board of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church the sum of Five Hundred
dollars ($500.) To the Board of the Woman's Home Missionary Society the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) To my friends Mrs. Emma Gardiner, wife of William Gardiner of the City of Woodstock, Labourer, the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.) To my friend Mrs. John Andrews of the City of Woodstock wife of John Andrews, Labourer, of the said City of Woodstock the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.)
4. To pay to the Trustees of my sister, Eliza Maria Bull, wife of R.A. Bull of Belleville, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.) either in cash or by the assignment of such securities as my trustees may deem best; and to my brother Harry Percival Biggar, now of London, England, the sum o five thousand dollars ($5,000.) either in cash or by the assignment of such securities as my trustees may deem best.
5.To set aside out of the remaining investments of my Estate, securities to the value of five thousand dollars ($5,000.) the income therefrom to be paid to my niece Jean Mackenzie Casey during her lifetime; if, however, in the judgement of my trustees an emergency arises, which in their opinion justifies them in doing so, they may pay over the principal or any part of it to her or to a trustee or trustees or her.
6.Should my husband George Robson Pattullo survive me to convey to him by deed or deeds such interest as I may at the time of my death have in the residence or premises in the town of Woodstock known as "Burnside" and subject to any encumbrance that there may be thereon. Should my husband George Robson Pattullo predecease me then this property is to go to his son J B Pattullo in lieu of what
he is paid. out.
7.Should my husband survive me, to set aside out of the remaining investments of my estate the sum of ($20,000) Twenty Thousand Dollars with all the powers of re-investment thereof as in hereinafter fully set out in trust to pay the income therefrom to the said George Robson Pattullo during his lifetime and upon his death, I direct my executors and trustees to pay to the trustees of St. Andrews Church, Belleville, the sum of One Thousand dollars; and to the Trustees of the Methodist Church at the Carrying Place in the Township of Murray in the County of Northumberland the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, the balance to be part of the residue of my estate, but in the event of my said husband predeceasing me than the said bequests in this section mentioned are to be paid out of my estate as soon as convenient to my said Trustees.
8. To pay to each of my said executors and trustees the usual rates and charges as and for their remuneration and allowance for acting as such trustees and executors as well as all proper Solicitors and agents fees and any disbursements made by them on account of my estate.
9. All the rest and residue of my estate including lapsed devises and legacies I direct my executors and trustees to convert into money if that should seem wise or the best manner of affecting an equal division thereof, and to distribute the sane equally among my brothers and sisters me surviving the issue of any brother or sister then dead to stand in place of and share as if said brother or sister were still living but my trustees are to hold the share of any such issue during infancy with full discretion to spend, apply, or pay the income thereof to or for the benefit or maintenance of such issue during infancy.
10. In case any trustee of this my Will be dead or die or resign or be or become incapable of acting in the said trusts he shall cease to be such trustee and the other trustees or trustee shall have the power to appoint another trustee or other trustees in the place of such trustee or trustees dying, re-signing, or becoming incapable, and so from time to time in such case of vacancy, so that there shall be three trustees to this my Will and in case of any disagreements or otherwise, such new trustee or trustees may be appointed by the method provided at such time by the Statutes of Ontario in that behalf and upon the appointment of any such trustee all my estate so held in trust shall on said appointment become vested in such new trustee or trustees jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee or trustees and such new trustee or trustees shall have and exercise all the rights and powers and shall be subject to all the trusts to which his or their predecessor or predecessors in the trust had or might exercise and were subject to respectively. Upon the appointment of any such new trustee, my wish is that one of my brothers shall be preferred.
11. It is will that my Said Trustees ???????????????????? power to call in and vary my said investments whenever they think it is wise to do so, and upon any of my mortgage or other investments being paid off or whenever money shall come o the hands of my said trustees, they shall htave full power and discretion to re-invest the same in mortgages upon Real Estate in Canada or in any stocks, funds or securities authorized by any Statutes then in force in the Province of Ontario respecting the investment of Trust funds or in the discretion of the trustees in any stocks, shares, or securities of the Government of Great Britain or of any British Colony or Dependency or in or upon the stocks shares or other securities of any chartered Bank, Railway, Power Light or Tramway Company, Municipal Corporation, Loan Company or other incorporated Company or corporation or public body whether in Canada or elsewhere and my said trustees are not to be responsible to any person or persons by reason of any loss or losses arising through or out of any such investments, or out of the investments which shall come first come to their hands I having full confidence that they will exercise proper? In the selection and care of such investments.
12. In the event of my said estate proving insufficient to provide for the various bequests and requirements of this my will after payment of my debts and all other devices, bequests, and legacies (excepting my chattels) are to abate proportionately.
13. It is my wish that any debt owing to me by my sister Eliza Maria Bull wife of R.A. Bull of Belleville, or by my brother George Coltman Biggar at my death be cancelled.
IN WITNESS THEREOF I the said FRANCES CAMILLA PATTULLO the Testarix have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the preceding three sheets of paper set my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of August, A.D. 1913
SIGNED SEALED PUBLISHED and DECLARED ) by the said Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at her ) "F. C. Pattullo" request in her presence and in the presence ) of each other have subscribed our names as ) witnesses.
"Thos. Stewart"
"A.D. Harper"