Honouring His Life Percival Elliot Biggar
Updated: Jul 21, 2023
Honour and Loving Memory to those who died and grateful tribute to those who daring to die survived"

Actual photo of ‘The Fed Baron’ landing his Fokker DL1 triplane
Percival Elliot Biggar was born October 03, 1895, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada the son of Major General James Lyons Biggar & Mary-Scott Elliott. He died September 04, 1980, in Lake of Bays, Ontario.
Looking for a direct descendant.
I have been in contact with a gentleman who is researching early aircraft Diesel engines. This has brought Percival Elliot Biggar to his attention. Mr. Woolard is in the process of writing a biography on the life of. I have shared with him all the information I have but neither of us had any luck finding a photo. I am sharing some of our correspondence in this post in the hope that it finds its way to a direct descendant.
Percival Elliot Biggar is a descendant of Herbert Biggar of Barbouie. (file#99)
" Hi Tammy, I've just seen two medals for sale on eBay that are reportedly Percival Elliot Biggar's from WWI - Although I've purchased them already, I just wanted to make sure that the family is aware; that they haven't been stolen or went missing long ago etc. If so, please let me know; otherwise, I will value them out of re
spect for the man's accomplishments."
Brian Woollard, Queensland, Australia

Education: Royal Military College
'Chevalier of the Order of the Crown, Croix de Guerre (Belgium) - awarded as per London Gazette dated 25 July 1918. Canadian Army Service Corps; second to RFC, 19 March 1917; No.34 Squadron, 15 August 1917 to 9 April 1918 and thence to Canada. Graded as Flying Officer. 8 September 1917.
A Sneak Peak
Percival Elliot Biggar by Brian Woollard, Queensland, Australia
"Some people deserve to have their own section in this book, despite never having their own company or an engine to their name, and P. E. Biggar – as history mostly records him – is just such a person. His was an extraordinary life looking back, as a young man fighting and flying in the First World War, and if that wasn’t enough, he did much to advance the art of aircraft & automotive diesel engines subsequently. And if history seems to have forgotten him, maybe that simply reflects a life lived modestly, or perhaps even that for his generation, he lived as typical of many."

If you can help, please comment on this post or reach out directly.